Thursday, April 26, 2007


Stumbled across this and couldn't resist sharing it!


Suramya said...

haha... good one. Thanks for sharing.

- Suramya

Megster said...

Glad u enjoyed it Suramya:)

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

for once dilbert came with a timely response .......

Megster said...


AlterinG Abhishek said...

have you read "god's DEbris" and its sequel.. but Scott adams..?
Very intersting!!

suramya said...

something to tell my HR :):), I see there are two suramya's commenting here, loads of confusion :)

Suramya said...

Thats why I put the pic in my profile, so that there's less confusion so as to which Suramya said what.

If you ever come to Delhi we should definetly meet up. It would be interesting.

- Suramya

Megster said...

Lemme know if it works with your HR, so that I can try it on mine:)

Altering Abhishek,
Thanks for stopping by WC. I haven't read `God's Debris' as yet, but will look out for it.

Putting up ure pic was a good idea!

suramya said...

thats something to look forward too :), ditto if ur bangalore